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Seeing Clearly - video series

Based on my self-help book 'Seeing Clearly: Finding the Courage to Choose a Better Path',

I share my experiences as an artist in this inspirational, self-help 'pause and reflect' series.


I tell stories with universal themes that help to address questions artists may have,

explore the inner conflicts I have as a creative person,

and create connection between people needing to know they aren't alone!


To purchase the 'Seeing Clearly' book and look at sample pages click here


To view all my YouTube videos including shorts and any additional material click here

#1 why is realism so popular?


Based on her book 'Seeing Clearly: Finding the Courage to Choose a Better Path", Charlotte Giblin shares her experiences as an artist in this 'pause and reflect' series. She tells stories with universal themes that help to address questions artists may have, explores the inner conflicts she has as a creative person, and creates connection between people needing to know they aren't alone!

#2 the power of 'sad' portraits


This episode takes a deep dive into Charlotte's stand-out portrait of her mother. It addresses her mother's anorexia, issues of control, loss, grief, and leaving home. Charlotte tells the story behind the painting and hopes that the content will create comfort for viewers as well as some conversation and contemplation.

#3 how to ruin your art career (but free yourself instead)


This episode deals with Charlotte's pivotal painting 'Emerging in Full Colour' and how it started her on a journey of self-discovery, taking responsibility for her actions, and (ultimately) an enormous amount of healing! Despite ruining her art career in the short term...!

#4 looking behind the mask


This episode continues to address Charlotte's 'Emerging' painting series - in particular, how this artwork revealed a frightened version of Charlotte who needed to be faced, if there was going to be hope of making any long-lasting positive, personal change! Why was this fearful version of Charlotte there in the first place, what was the root of the problem, and could anything be done about it?

#5 how to break patterns and start creating personal change


This episode starts to explain Charlotte's how-to system for lasting, personal, positive change! Following on from episode #4 (looking behind the mask) to discover the simple process Charlotte developed which has helped her recover from years of anxiety - learning to listen to her intuition differently, dissolving fear, learning to TRUST, and to let love in!

#6 The mirror: self-image, identity, reality, illusion


Using a (rather disappointing!) self-portrait as the starting point, this episode explores self-image and what we see in the mirror versus what other people see when they look at us. Charlotte uses her own experience and personal storytelling to explain how she adjusted her expectations of who she THOUGHT she was/should be, to embrace who she she actually IS.

#7 This vase can change your life! Learn how to really SEE...


This vase can help you change your life! Really. This video explores the importance of seeing things as they actually ARE, not as you THINK they are - a vital skill for improving your art practice and an even more important skill when it comes to personal development. Charlotte explores the link between drawing, seeing, and self-help in this video.

#8 your art practice can change your life... in 3 steps!


Digging deeper into the ways my art practice helped me to transform my life and emerge from decades of underlying fear and anxiety. Starting by looking at my drawing practice and the importance of seeing things as they actually ARE, not as you THINK they are - a vital skill for improving your artistic techniques and an even more important skill when it comes to personal development.


How can your art practice help you create major personal change in 3 steps?

1. Seeing Clearly

2. Skills - technique, practise, and confidence-building

3. Letting Go

#9 problem solving and letting go of fear


How did my art practice help me to emerge from decades of underlying fear and anxiety and transform my life? This is a story about learning how to "let go" and stop listening to the judgmental voices over our shoulders! This episode focuses on asking for creative help and what to do when you don't understand the advice. I look at the importance of the language we use, how to problem solve, and how to find our own way forward with our authenticity and our own wellbeing at the centre.

#10 taking responsibility: honesty, art, and saving a relationship


The hardest thing was admitting I was wrong. I was the one who wasn't being honest!


This is a very real tale of taking responsibility for my own actions and reactions: how those decisions completely altered the trajectory of my life (and how terrifying it was to find the courage to admit my mistakes), how art helped me to understand the problems I had, and how art helped me see my recovery in progress!


Charlotte continues to explore the link between drawing, seeing, painting, and self-help in this video.

#11 small steps towards major, positive, personal change


Do you find it difficult facing change? Does it feel easier to stick with what you know, even if it's making you sick and keeping you trapped in a cycle of negativity? I've been there!


I totally understand how challenging it can be to face any prospect of making significant changes - or any change at all - until I realised that I was the only person who could actually improve my life, the only person who was responsible for my health and wellbeing... and so I took a deep breath and made a decision...


This is an honest tale of how I started to take responsibility for my own actions and take small steps towards major positive change: how those decisions completely altered the trajectory of my life, and how art helped me along the path!

#14 "what's the point of it all?"


Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the world's problems? Does your art practice feel redundant and create more anxiety for you? Is there a sense of guilt for the money you spend, or the time you set aside for yourself?


Yes? Well... I've been there too!


This is a story about my own experiences of hitting "rock bottom" as a professional artist and how my art practice helped me to climb out of the hole.


Charlotte continues to explore the link between drawing, seeing, painting, and self-help in this video.

#15 receiving help and allowing love in


Are you able to receive assistance and help (in its many forms) as well as GIVE it?


How do you respond to advice - especially if the advice triggers a negative or defensive reaction in you? 
What about love? Can you allow love in or does it make you feel vulnerable and needy? 


How do these notions of giving/receiving impact our art practice, our career path, and our life in general? 

#16 the controversial painting commission that has given me a renewed sense of hope!


This video explores the extensive themes behind my latest painting commission - a relatively controversial project that has given me a renewed sense of hope and helped me to feel differently about my home in New Zealand.


Celebrating human and creative connection across cultural divides, this is a personal story about overcoming fear and finding your place in a new country.

#17 "Abstract art is harder to do than realism"... Is it?

Why would that be?


"abstract art is harder to do than realism". that's a direct quote.... and I said it! why would that be?


as part of my Seeing Clearly series of videos, I share my painting process and thoughts - and show the difference between a realistic painting I'm working on at the moment and a channeled "soul painting" that pushes my boundaries in a completely new way!

#18 Do you fear loss or being alone? How does it affect your choices? And ARE we connected by our fears?


In this #18 episode of Seeing Clearly, I scratch the surface of a HUGE topic and one that has informed many of my choices over the years and compelled me to connect with others: the desire to know I am not alone.


Do you make choices driven by a fear of being alone? Why?


I ask more questions than generate answers, but by sharing my own stories I know I can help others to feel less alone, and help myself to feel connected!

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